¡12.º Día Anual de Marcas Registradas ABA-IPL con la USPTO!
Asistir a la 12.ª edición anual de ABA-IPL Trademark Days con la USPTO esta semana fue una experiencia valiosa, que brindó una oportunidad única de interactuar directamente con las figuras clave que están dando forma al futuro de la ley de propiedad intelectual (PI). Este evento, que se llevó a cabo en la sede de
12th Annual ABA-IPL Trademark Days with the USPTO!
Attending the 12th Annual ABA-IPL Trademark Days with the USPTO this week was a valuable experience, providing a unique opportunity to engage directly with the key figures shaping the future of intellectual property (IP) law. Held at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, this event is one of the
Intellectual Property Rights in the AI Era!
Some “Law Sh… you should know” thanks to Viviana Leslie Marenco and Elina Magaly Santana for inviting me to discuss the latest sh… happening in intellectual property law!
Caso Vidal v. Elster. “Trump too small”. LA DECISION.
El 1 de noviembre de 2023, me convertí con orgullo en miembro del Colegio de Abogados de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos. Como parte de la ceremonia de admisión, tuve la oportunidad única de asistir a los argumentos orales del caso Vidal v. Elster. Este caso de la Corte Suprema aborda las complejidades
Vidal v. Elster. “Trump too small”. THE DECISION.
On November 1, 2023, I proudly became a member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States. As part of the admission ceremony, I had the unique opportunity to attend the oral arguments for the case Vidal v. Elster. This Supreme Court case addresses the intricacies of 15 U.S.C. § 1052, a
Calls impersonating the USPTO asking for payment/Llamadas haciéndose pasar por la USPTO solicitando un pago
Dear Clients, We have been made aware that some clients, for whom we have recently filed trademark applications, are receiving phone calls from individuals falsely claiming to be from the USPTO asking for payments of fees due. We contacted the USPTO and they informed us: “Our understanding is that calls often use masked or spoofed