
Augusto Perera, P.A. participated in the XX Congress of ASIPI recently held in Rio de Janeiro.

Recently we participated in the XX Congress of the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property or Asociacion Interamericana de la Propiedad Intellectual, ASIPI. The Annual gathering of Intellectual Property Attorneys from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from November 25-28th. The Annual gathering is an opportunity for us to meet

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First to file, first to use, and trademark squatters

The United States trademark law is based on the common law first to use in commerce theory. Is the use of the mark in interstate commerce which creates rights over a trademark, not its registration. In the United States, trademark US Applicants can base their applications on the following basis: Prior use of the trademark in interstate commerce,

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¿Deseas registrar marcas que sean inmorales, offensivas o escandalosas? ¡No se preocupe!

¿Está considerando registrar una marca que “Consista en o comprenda una materia inmoral, engañosa o escandalosa, o que pueda menospreciar o sugerir falsamente una conexión con personas, entidades vivas o muertas, instituciones, creencias o símbolos nacionales, o mala reputation? Una reciente decision del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos te puede ayudar en lograr dicho

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