
Can I trademark the title of a single work (Book or DVD)?

The short answer, it depends. The title of a single creative work, such as a book, is not considered a trademark and is therefore unregistrable. Trademark Act Sections 1, 2, and 45, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051, 1052, and 1127; In re Cooper, 254 F.2d 611, 117 USPQ 396, 400 (CCPA 1958). This because the title

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“Generic, descriptive trademarks and top-level domain names”

On November 8, 2019 The Supreme Court of the United States granted certiorari to hear an Appeal by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) of a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirming The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia decision reversing the denial of registration by the USPTO of trademark

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We recently participated XXI Working Sessions and Administrative Council of the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property  (ASIPI) held in Lima, Peru from October 27-30, 2019. An opportunity to meet fellow Intellectual Property Attorneys from the region. Recientemente participamos del XXI Sesiones de Trabajo y Consejo Administrativo de la Asociación Interamericana de Propiedad Intelectual (ASIPI) celebrada en

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¡BRAZIL se une al Protocolo de Madrid!

Brazil se convirtió en el miembro número 105 del Sistema de Madrid para el Registro Internacional de Marcas, que ahora cubre 121 países. El Protocolo de Madrid permite a los solicitantes estadounidenses extender la protección de sus solicitudes / registros estadounidenses a los países miembros. Para calificar bajo el sistema, el solicitante debe tener: A)

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BRAZIL Joins the Madrid Protocol!

Brazil became the 105th member of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, which now covers 121 countries. The Madrid Protocol allows US applicants to extend protection of their US applications/registrations to member countries. To qualify under the System the Applicant has to have: A) A real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in a contracting party;

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